How to Polish Marble
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How to Polish Marble
When nicely polished, marble gives your home flooring a fine classical touch. It gleams beautifully, raising your home’s aesthetic value. Such an effect can be produced, even for dulled marble floors and walls, through proper maintenance. The job is quite tedious if marble occupies a large area of your home. However, the results can last for a few months using the right cleaning solutions.

Baking Soda and Chalk
Baking soda comes as the best natural solution for polishing marble. When mixed with water, it can latch on the marble surface, removing stains and giving it a nice sheen. A chalk solution, on the other hand, shines and adds vibrancy to the surface. Apply both solutions to your floor, wall, and fixtures, so marble’s natural beauty can be restored and maintained.

Materials Used:
polish marble
baking soda
clean cloths
mixing bowl
mortar and pestle
Mix three tablespoons of baking soda with one quart of water.
Dip a piece of cloth in the solution then apply it on the marble surface. If there are stains on the floor, scrub with some force. Prepare more baking soda solution using the same ratio, if ever your supply runs out.
When you have covered all the marble items in your home, allow them to air dry for about three hours.
Rinse the baking soda solution off with a moist cloth.
Crush the chalk using a mortar and pestle.
Place some crushed chalk on a moist cloth then apply it on a marble surface. Scrub only in one general direction, so it does not make impressions on the surface. Do the same for all the marble items in your home.
Allow the solution to dry for a couple of hours.
Once dry, rinse the chalk solution off with a moist cloth.
Cloth is the perfect applicator for the solutions, but if the marble area is simply too large, you can use a floor polisher to apply the solutions. The machine can gain lots of ground in a short time. However, you need to prepare greater amounts for both solutions, given the size of the polisher’s brush.

Poultice Treatment Solution and a Commercial Polishing Agent
Poultice treatment and a commercial polishing agent are just like baking soda and chalk, only more effective. The chemicals used are potent enough to remove all stains and provide a long lasting shine, respectively. However, you should read the label or consult the sales personnel before purchasing these products. Some of them work only for a specific type of marble. Using a wrong solution can destroy the marble’s surface.

Apply the poultice treatment solution first, with a cloth or floor polisher then rinse. Once done, do the same for the commercial polishing agent then rinse. You’ll certainly love the appearance of all your marble items right after. m
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