How to Double Dutch ?
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How to Double Dutch
Doing double dutch or jumping double dutch is a variation on the basic jump rope. To jump the double dutch requires four people at least, with two jumping while the other two holding and turning two ropes going in opposite directions. Usually played with a rhyme, double dutch is a great playground game for all ages. Here’s how to double dutch.

At least four players
Two jumping ropes or double dutch ropes
Decide which pair will hold the ropes and which pair will double dutch. The spinners must face one another with the end of each rope in each hand. They must be facing each other and standing from each other far enough to let the ropes go in a wide arc.
The spinners must hold the ends of the ropes with tight hands, maintaining it waist-high and shoulder-length apart from each other. Let the spinners hold the rope comfortably, where they can spin the ropes easily.
The spinners should maintain a straight back with their legs shoulder-length apart. Start by turning the ropes inward, with the right forearm going counterclockwise and the left arm going clockwise. The ropes should not cross the body’s midline with the hands.
The spinners should establish a comfortable rhythm with each other. They can do this by doing a rhyme out loud, or simply counting one and two repeatedly.
The jumpers should be facing each other at double arm’s length before stepping in. To prepare jumping in, each jumper should have one leg nearest to the rope in front of the spinner and the other leg behind in a scissor formation.
The jumper should time when to jump in the rope when the rope closest to the jumper passes by the jumper’s face. Lead with the leg closer to the spinner and jump into the middle gap between ropes and start jumping to the rhythm, keeping ankles and feet close together.
“Leave” or exit the jumping when you’re ready near the shoulder of one spinner.
Once you’re comfortable doing a particular rhythm, make things more challenging by making the rhythm faster.
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