How to choose a vacuum cleaner for your home?
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How to choose a vacuum cleaner for your home?

A vacuum cleaner is an absolute must in every home. However, when choosing a vacuum cleaner, first you need to understand what type of cleaning your apartment needs. Three types of cleaning are most common: wet, dry or combined. For a certain type of cleaning, there are different types of vacuum cleaners that are most suitable for cleaning the corresponding surfaces in your home.

choose a vacuum cleanerThe size of the room also affects the type of cleaning required. For a small apartment, you can choose a vacuum cleaner with a dry cleaning method: it is perfect for small spaces and consumes less energy than other types of vacuum cleaners. This is the simplest model that can be used to clean carpets, rugs, bare floors, outerwear and furniture. You cannot do without it, including when cleaning places where moisture is contraindicated: parquet floors, natural carpets, etc. The dry vacuum cleaner is compact, easy to operate and quite economical.

Washing vacuum cleaners, on the contrary, are more complicated and heavier in design, and they are more expensive. However, this is a modern way to make cleaning the house easier, as it has a significant advantage. As a rule, such vacuum cleaners can carry out not only wet, but also dry cleaning, as well as they can suck in moisture or spray it as needed. With this vacuum cleaner, you can clean furniture, wash carpets or urgently collect liquid spilled on the floor.

Including such a vacuum cleaner will help in general cleaning, as it is convenient for cleaning tile coatings, for example, in a bathroom or kitchen. Vacuum cleaners can quickly clean windows and floors, can clean the air in the room, and can also help in such difficult tasks as cleaning a clogged bathroom or sink. The efficiency of such vacuum cleaners is higher than that of conventional ones. Dry cleaning should be done every other day, while using a washing vacuum cleaner once a week is enough to keep the apartment clean. After use, the vacuum cleaner must be disassembled, thoroughly washed and dried.

Washing models of vacuum cleaners are usually quite simple in structure. They consist of two reservoirs. The first tank contains water with a cleaning solution, which is sprayed over the surface with a special hose. In the second, dirty water is sucked in from the cover through the side nozzles. The water supply power in most models can be adjusted manually.

Vacuum cleaner suction power

The power directly depends on whether the vacuum cleaner can perform wet cleaning, how well it will suck up large debris and dust. The more powerful the vacuum cleaner is, the larger the coverage area in your home and the more varied it is. However, the noise level and weight of the vacuum cleaner also increase with the increase in its power.

the power of the vacuum cleanerIn order to thoroughly clean parquet, linoleum or short-pile carpet, a vacuum cleaner with a suction power of 300 W is enough. If you have pets or carpets with a deep pile, models up to 450W are better suited. This will allow you to quickly and reliably clean any surface, both dry and wet.

Most models of modern vacuum cleaners have a power regulator, which makes it possible to select the appropriate operating mode depending on the degree of dirtiness of the coating and on what it is made of. The suction power can sometimes drop due to a full dust container and a dirty filter, so they must be cleaned regularly to avoid such problems.

Vacuum cleaner noise level

When choosing a vacuum cleaner, it is very important to pay attention to its noise level. Even the most powerful and functional model can get annoying if it is too noisy. Noise level is a rather serious factor and you should definitely pay attention to it if you have small children, pets or cleaning you do quite often.

All household appliances, including vacuum cleaners, have a maximum permissible noise level. This indicator is usually determined immediately after the production of the model as follows. The microphone is installed half a meter from the switched on vacuum cleaner. A special device is placed next to the microphone to measure and record the noise level for some time.

The noise norm for a vacuum cleaner is in the range from 71 to 80 dB, and, for example, a person's whisper gives only 40 dB. That is, if you want silent cleaning, you will have to look for a vacuum cleaner model with indicators below the norm.

Dust bags and filters

In order for the cleaning to be of high quality, it is necessary not only to clean the house, but also to reliably cover the dirt and dust after cleaning in the dust collector. Dust should remain in it, regardless of external influences. Most of the impurities are collected in the dust collector, and a small part is deposited in the filters. So it is the dust collector that determines the cleaning efficiency as well as the ease of cleaning the vacuum cleaner.

Modern vacuum cleaners are equipped with filters of one of the types: fabric, carbon, paper, water or synthetic (N.E.R.A. - filter). The safest and most effective today are models that combine mechanical and water purification. With them, you are guaranteed almost perfect cleanliness of your home.

cyclonicThe most popular filter at the moment is the cyclone filter. With this method of filtration, dirt and dust is deposited in a special plastic container, which makes it possible to get rid of the endless replacement of bags. Garbage will enter the container under the influence of the so-called "cyclone", which is created by a powerful flow of spiral air. Usually the container is transparent so that the results of the work are immediately visible. This method can get rid of about 95% of the contamination.

The simplest models use special bags, disposable or permanent, as a dust collector. Disposable are usually made of paper and last no longer than a month, but at the same time they collect fine dust well. Permanent fabric bags should be supplemented with several filters due to the fact that the structure of the fabric has larger gaps, so that they are less able to retain fine dust. Models with combined dust collectors are considered ideal, in which both paper and fabric bags can be replaced as needed.

In more complex and large vacuum cleaners, dust can collect in a container, in which it coils into a tight lump under the stream of air. Such dust collectors are usually found in "cyclonic" type vacuum cleaners. However, the plastic bag is heavier than the fabric and has a loud resonance, so the noise level and weight of such a vacuum cleaner will be higher than usual.

When choosing a vacuum cleaner, pay special attention to the type and number of filters. If the model is equipped with low-quality filters, bacteria, dirt and dust particles will be blown out with a stream of air. This will have a bad effect not only on cleaning, but also on your well-being, and may even cause allergic reactions. Filters are a very important component of vacuum cleaners, because they keep particles harmful to the body inside the device.

Cleanliness in the house, the guarantee of your health. Happy choice!
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