State the important points kept in mind while recording the readings in level pages with respect first reading, intermediate readings, last reading, and change point, carry forward from one page to next page - Remarks. Answer : The following points should be kept in mind while recording the reading in level pages. 1. The first reading should be always noted as back sight (B.S.) 2. All the intermediate readings should ... horizontal line represents only one station. 8. Readings of each station should be in one line only....
Mention any four points to be kept in mind while entering the staff reading in a level field book. Answer : The following points kept in mind while entering the staff reading in a level field book. 1) The reading should be entered in the respective columns and in order of their observation. 2) The ... accurately described in the Remarks column, and their sketches drawn on the left hand side of the page....
Define the terms - Foresight, back sight, intermediate sight and change point. Answer : 1. Fore sight: It is the last staff reading from any set up of the leveling instrument and indicates the shifting of the instrument or end of leveling work. 2. Back sight: It is the first staff reading ... point fore sight is taken from one set up and a back sight is taken from the nest set up. ...
State the important point to be remembered while doing profile leveling. Answer : 1. The chainage of staff stations are continuous from beginning to the end of the section line. 2. Readings of B.S. and F.S. should be taken very accurately with the bubble exactly in ... their width or by offset. 5)All the temporary adjustments at all instrument position shall carefully be done. ...
What is negative staff reading? Answer : When the object is to be bisected is above line of collimation, then the staff is kept inverted for reading, such reading is entered with negative sign in the field book, which is known as negative staff reading....
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