2.Magnetic bearing-(i)The angle between magnetic meridian and any line is known as magnetic bearing.
Define the terms - dip of needle, magnetic bearing, fore bearing and back bearing. Answer : Dip of needle: It is downward inclination or small angle made by freely suspended magnetic needle with the horizontal. Magnetic bearing: Magnetic bearing of a survey line is the horizontal angle ... of line measured in backward direction or opposite direction of survey, is known as back bearing....
Define: (i) True meridian (ii) Magnetic meridian Answer : i. True meridian: It is line of intersection of plane passing through North Pole, South Pole and point under consideration. ii. Magnetic meridian: Magnetic meridian at point is direction shown by freely suspended magnetic needle at that point....
Define: WCB and Quadrantal Bearing system Answer : Ans.: 1)WCB:-In this system the bearing of a line is always measured clockwise for the north point of the reference meridian towards the line round the circle the angle thus measured is called ... the bearing of a line is measured clockwise from the north point or south point whichever is nearest ....
Define the terms i) Fore Bearing, ii) Open traverse, iii) Closing error, iv) Reduced bearing Answer : i) Fore bearing : The bearing observed in the direction of progress of survey in clockwise manner is called fore bearing ii) Open traverse : When the first and last survey lines does ... north or south direction in clockwise or anticlockwise manner is known as reduced or quadrantal bearing. ...
Define- 1. Whole circle bearing 2. Reduced bearing 3. Fore bearing 4. Back bearing Answer : 1.Whole circle bearing- The bearing measures only in the clockwise direction from meridian or north direction is known as whole circle bearing. 2.Reduced bearing The bearing measures with ... bearing The bearing observed in the direction of opposite of survey is called fore bearing. ...
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