Which of the following men was the first to make systematic use of a telescope in astronomy? w) Copernicus x) Tycho Brahe y) Kepler z) Galileo Answer : ANSWER: D -- GALILEO...
Galileo discovered something about Venus with his telescope that shook the old theories. Which of the following was Galileo's discovery? w) Venus was covered in clouds x) Venus had phases like the moon y) Venus' surface was similar to the earth's z) Venus had retrograde motion Answer : ANSWER: X -- VENUS HAD PHASES LIKE THE MOON...
For what reason was the Schmidt telescope specially built? Was it to serve as: w) a sky camera x) a radio telescope y) an optical telescope z) a solar telescope Answer : ANSWER: W -- A SKY CAMERA...
How many of Jupiter's moons did Galileo see with his first telescope? Answer : ANSWER: FOUR...
Who first used Tycho Brahe's observational data on the planet Mars to determine that Mars actually traversed an elliptical orbit, the sun being located at one of the foci? w) Kepler x) Galileo y) Hipparchus z) Aristarchus Answer : ANSWER: W -- KEPLER...
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