Which two of the following four bases in DNA are purine bases? a) adenine b) thymine c) cytosine d) guanine Answer : ANSWER: A and D -- ADENINE and GUANINE...
Name a pyrimidine (pron: pie-rim-eh-den) base. Answer : ANSWER: THYMINE or CYTOSINE or URACIL ...
The structure of DNA is a double helix formed by two strands of DNA sequence. This sequence consists of 4 different nucleotides- Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine and Guanine. How do the nucleotides on one strand interact with the nucleotides on the second strand to maintain the helical shape of DNA? Answer : Complementary Base Pairing. Adenine complementary base pairs with Thymine and Guanine complementary base pairs with Cytosine....
Which base in place of thymine is present in RNA ? (1) Adenine (2) Guanine (3) Uracil (4) Cytosine Answer : Uracil...
Which of the following nitrogen base is not present in DNA? a. Thymine. b. Cytosine. c. Adenine. d. Uracil. Answer : d. Uracil....
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