1. Who was the first General-Secretary of the Indian National Congress?

2. Which first Bank was established in India?

3. Magnetic dipole moment is a vector quantity directed from which direction?

4. How much distance does the earth’s annual circuit round the sun cover?

5. Which animal had the Stone Age people first?

6. Insectivorous plant generally grow in soil which is deficient in which gas?

7. From which constitution did the Amendment procedure lay down in Indian Constitution?

8. What is the name the President of India who was elected unopposed?

9. Where are the hot desert of the world generally found?

10. Who were the first to attribute coins to the kings?

11. The United Nations declared 2004 as which International Year?

12. Which compound can not be used as nitrogenous fertilizer?

13. What is pH of human blood?

14. Which environment support the growth of Mangrove Swamp?

15. Which script of ancient India was written from right to left?

16. By which amendment has the National Capital Territory of Delhi been constituted?

17. What is the task of the Planning Commission?

18. When is International Talk like a Pirate Day is observed?

19. Which is the largest river in the world?

20. Who was known as 'Andhra Bhoja'?
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Answer : 1. Dadabhai Naoroji 2. Bank of Hindustan 3. South to north 4. 966 million kms 5. Sheep 6. Nitrogen 7. Constitution of Canada 8. Dr. Neelam Sanjiva Reddy 9. The horse latitude 10. Indo Greeks 11. International Year of Rice 12. HNO3 13. From 7.5 to 8 14. Tidal flat 15. Kharoshti 16. 69th Amendment 17. Preparation of the plan 18. September 19 19. Amazon 20. Krishnadeva Raya
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