1. Which country has the largest forest area in the world?

2. What is the source of immediate energy for cellular activity?

3. Who was the member of the Rajya Sabha when first appointed as the Prime Minister of India?

4. The largest coral reef in the world is found near the coast of which country?

5. Nalanda University flourished during the reign of which ruler?

6. Which charcoal is used to deeolourise raw sugar?

7. When was World Council of Churches formally constituted?

8. Which is the Highest milk producer in India?

9. Niagara Falls is located between which pair of lakes?

10. After the decline of the Gupta, a By whom was larger part of North India reunited?

11. What is the grouping of organisms into categories according to a systematic plan?

12. Who is the ex-officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha?

13. Which metal used to pollute the air of a big city?

14. The premonsoon mango showers occur predominantly in which state?

15. In which region of India was the Firdausi order of Sufism popular?

16. Where is the head-office of the World Council of Churches?

17. The United Nations declared 2010 as which International Year?

18. Why is phenomenon of mirage?

19. Where are moist tropical evergreen forests found?

20. By whom are the oldest compositions in Punjabi devotional compositions?
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Answer : 1. Russian Federation 2. ATP 3. Indira Gandhi 4. Australia 5. Harsha 6. Wood charcoal 7. 23rd August, 1948 8. U. P. 9. Lake Erie and Lake Ontario 10. Harshavardhana 11. Classification 12. Vice-President 13. Lead 14. West Bengal and Assam 15. Bihar 16. Switzerland 17. Biodiversity 18. Due to total internal reflection 19. The Shillong plateau 20. Baba Farid
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