1. In which of the Five Year Plans, preference was given to the weaker sections of the society?

2. Which local wind is not characteristically hot and dry?

3. What was Tipu Sultan’s major interest in building ships?

4. When is World Blind Day/World Sight Day observed?

5. Cirrhosis is a disease that affects which organ?

6. In which year did the Congress loose its monopoly of power in the States for the first time after the elections?

7. Which predominantly acts as the agent of chemical erosion of soil?

8. In which movements Bande Mataram was adopted as a slogan for agitation?

9. What is the number of basic units in the International System of Units?

10. How many gold medals did P.T. Usha win in the 1986 Seoul Asian Games?

11. Upon which development the Second Five Year Plan laid mote stress?

12. Formation of pot holes in river beds is an example of thing?

13. Who was founder of All India Harijan Sangha in 1932 ?

14. Milk, cheese and eggs are the source of vitamins which vitamins?

15. Which Directive Principle is based on Gandhian ideology?

16. Which type of glass can cut off ultraviolet rays?

17. Asia accounts for nearly howmany percent of world population?

18. Who deciphered the Brahmi inscription of Ashoka first time?

19. India reached the final of the Davis Cup for the first time in which year?

20. In which state is the Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development located?
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Answer : 1. Fifth 2. Mistral 3. To promote trade and commerce 4. October 15 5. Liver 6. 1967 7. Underground water 8. Partition of Bengal in 1905 9. 7 10. 4 11. Industrialisation 12. Corrosion 13. M. K. Gandhi 14. A and D 15. Promotion of cottage industries 16. Crookes glass 17. 55 18. James Princep 19. 1966 20. Tamil Nadu
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