1. Which radiation emitted from the sun has highest wavelength?

2. What is a person of mixed European and Indian blood in Latin America is called?

3. The first Buddhist Council was held in which city?

4. When is World Environment Day, recognized by the UN observed?

5. Michael Ferreira is associated with which game/sport?

6. Which major chemical compound found in human kidney stones?

7. Duncan Passage is located between which regions?

8. Which was the Mughal Emperor who prohibited the use of tobacoo?

9. By whom was collective responsibility of the Cabinet introduced in India?

10. Aluminium surface are often ‘anodized’. This means deposition of a layer of which oxide?

11. In which year was Railway Budget in India separated from general budget?

12. Which is the highest mountain peak in India?

13. Who streamlined the Maratha administration after Shambhaji?

14. Kamlesh Mehta has distinguished hems elf in which game/sport?

15. Ultimate environmental hazard to mankind, why?

16. If a Minister of a State wants to resign, to whom he should address the letter of resignation?

17. Which crop are grown mainly in the irrigated areas during Zaid ?

18. How were the ritualistic precepts attached to the hymns of the Vedas known?

19. The ozone layer in the atmosphere is at a height of about how many k.m.?

20. Rajiv Gandhi National Flying Institute is has been established in which State?
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Answer : 1. Micro waves 2. Mestizo 3. Rajgriha 4. June 5 5. Billiards 6. Calcium oxalate 7. South and Little Andaman 8. Aurangzeb 9. Constitution of India 10. Zinc oxide 11. 1924-25 12. Mt. K2 13. Raja Ram 14. Table Tennis 15. Due to Nuclear pollution 16. Chief Minister 17. Moong and Urad 18. Brahmanas 19. 50 km 20. Maharashtra
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