1. Soft drinks such as cocoa contain singnificant quantities of which thing?

2. By whom is the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee of the Parliament appointed?

3. How must be the The lines of force of a uniform magnetic field?

4. The Varansi Kanyakumari National Highway is called which national highway?

5. Which of the British Officials defeated Portuguese at Sowlley ?

6. Name of S. Chandrashekhar is associated with which subject?

7. Which is the official language of Central Bank of West African Bank?

8. What is the transfer of pollengrain from pollensac to stigma called?

9. What is in terms of the railway system India’s position in the world?

10. Where was the first iron and steel industry of India established?

11. Who decides whether a particular bill is a Money Bill or not?

12. Chlorophyll is a naturally occuring chelate compound in, what is the which the central metal in this?

13. What is the most appropriate measure of a country’s economic growth?

14. Which is the brightest planet?

15. Who used the phrase ‘Un-British’ to criticize the English colonial control of India?

16. Which is UN special agency and not programme?

17. What is the Study of integrated use of microbiology, biochmistry and engineering?

18. Where is In the Constitution of India, the word ‘Federal’ used?

19. Which planet takes the same number of days for rotation and revolution?

20. Which element of Hinduism was practised in the Indus Valley Civilization?
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Answer : 1. Caffein 2. Speaker of Lok Sabha 3. Parallel to each other 4. NH 7 5. Thomas Best 6. Astrophysics 7. French 8. Pollination 9. Fourth 10. Jamshedpur 11. Speaker of Lok Sabha 12. Magnesium 13. Per capita real income 14. Venus 15. Dadabhai Naoroji 16. UNDP 17. Biotechnology 18. Nowhere 19. Venus 20. Cult of Shiva
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