The first Indian to win Nobel Prize was (1) C.V. Raman (2) Rabindra Nath Tagore (3) Hargobind Khurana (4) Amartya Sen Answer : Rabindra Nath Tagore...
1. Where is Indian Institute of Petroleum located? 2. Which pair of countries the leading manufacturers of cement in the world ? 3. Of which kingdom was Malik Ambar the Prime Minister? 4. ... African States? 20. Which state ranks first in terms of the maximum number of agro-based industries? Answer : Answer : 1. Dehradun 2. China and India 3. Ahrnadnagar 4. William Henry Bragg 5. CO2 6. Sachidananda Sinha 7. Congo 8. Dadabhai Naoroji 9. Hydrogen bonding 10. Tea 11. Atmospheric refraction 12. River Hudson 13. Lytton 14. Xylem 15. B. R. Ambedkar 16. Gamma rays 17. 25 18. 1917 19. France 20. Punjab...
1. What Minimum age is required to contest for Presidentship? 2. Who received Nobel Prize twice for the same subject? 3. In which place was Asia's first Export Processing Zone (EPZ) set up? 4. In ... The equator cuts through which islands? 20. Who is the author of the book Hindu way of Life'? Answer : Answer : 1. 35 years 2. Marie Curie 3. Kanada 4. Mid latitudes 5. Shahjahan 6. 1952 7. Gambusia 8. Direct elections 9. Hail 10. Aurangzeb and Dara Shikoh 11. From 89 to 103 12. 2013 13. March 21 ... (India) 15. Mohammad Ali Jinnah 16. Oxygen 17. 62 years 18. Fermi 19. Borneo 20. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan...
Which Indian Scientist has had the distinction of receiving not only the Nobel Prize, but also Bharat Ratna ? Answer : Dr. C. V. Raman...
Who was the First Indian Nobel Prize winner ? (1) Sir C.V. Raman (2) Mother Teresa (3) S. Chandrashekar (4) Rabindra Nath Tagore Answer : Rabindra Nath Tagore...
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