what are flowers?
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1 Answer

Flowers are beautiful structures that are composed of many parts. The flower forms in a bud, and emerges on a short stalk or stem. The end of this stem has four different parts: sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils. Each part has a specific function (discussed below) that will ultimately lead to fertilization of new seeds. A group of flowers is called an inflorescence. To understand the difference between a flower and an inflorescence, compare the following examples. The largest flower in the world is the stinking corpse lily (Rafflesia arnoldii); flowers can reach 3ft across and weigh 15lbs. The largest inflorescence is from the talipot palm (Corypha umbraculifera), which can reach 30ft tall with millions of flowers.

Parts and functions of flowers
■ Sepals: The sepals are usually green, thick and very leaf-like, but in some cases (e.g. tulips, lilies), they petal-like. Sometimes a mature flower lacks sepals all together. If present, sepals are the lowest most part on the flower. Sepals serve as a series of scales that protect the unopened flower.

■ Petals: The petals are usually colored, thin, and leaf-like in appearance. The petals are above the sepals on a flower. Plants that are wind-pollinated usually do not have large, showy petals. The main function of the petals is to attract pollinators (insects, birds, or mammals).
■ Stamens: Above the petals are the male or pollen-producing parts. The stamens can range in size and shape, but most are composed of two parts: the anther and the filament. Some animals collect pollen for food (e.g. bees), but others feed on different parts of the flower (e.g. nectar). The main function of the anther is to produce pollen (the “male” part of the plant). The filament’s function depends on its shape and size.
■ Pistils: The innermost part of the flower is the pistil, or the female portion of the flower. A pistil is the composed of three parts: ovary, style, and stigma. Inside the ovary are ovules or preseeds, which are unfertilized seeds. The stigma is the landing-pad for the pollen, and the site of pollination. The style is a thin stalk that raises the stigma up so it can catch the pollen. After fertilization, the ovary becomes a fruit. As this fruit grows and matures, many other flower parts like petals and stamens wither and fall off.
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