Evaporation from water surfaces exposed to air is not dependent of the: w) velocity of the wind x) humidity y) temperature z) depth of the water Answer : ANSWER: Z -- DEPTH OF THE WATER ...
TCDD (2,3,6,7-tetrachlorodibenzo(p)dioxin) is a toxic synthetic chemical. The most consistent adverse effect observed in exposed humans is: w) liver cancer x) birth defects y) disfiguring skin eruption z) an exaggerated sense of well-being Answer : ANSWER: Y -- DISFIGURING SKIN ERUPTION (CHLORACNE) ...
The most suitable motor oil for use in a car in cold weather is: w) a high viscosity oil x) a low viscosity oil y) a medium viscosity oil Answer : ANSWER: X -- A LOW VISCOSITY OIL...
What weather phenomenon causes more deaths in the U.S. annually than any other except lightning? Answer : ANSWER: TORNADOES...
Suggest the type of cement used for the following : (i) For modular construction where form work needs to be removed early for re-use. . (ii) Mass concreting such as construction of dam. (iii) Decorative works in external surfaces of building. (iv) Cementing the oil well. Answer : i) For modular construction where form work needs to be removed early for reuse. – Rapid Hardening Cement ii) Mass concreting such as construction of dam. – Low heat cement. iii) Decorative works in external surfaces of building – Coloured cement. iv) Cementing the oil well. – Oil Well Cement. ...
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