A number of linguists contend that all of the thousands of languages spoken by the world's five billion people can be traced back to a common root language. (A) that all of the thousands of ... ability to trace all of the thousands of languages that are spoken by the world's five billion people
Bees must collect nectar from approximately how many flowers to make 1 pound of honeycomb? Is it: w) 10 thousand x) 2 million y) 20 million z) 50 million Answer : ANSWER: X -- 20 MILLION...
How many people have more foreign policy experience than Sarah Palin on Facebook, to the nearest thousand? Answer : (222-223,000)...
Which of the following areas is closest to the total surface area of the earth in square kilometers? w) 500 million x) 500 billion y) 500 thousand z) 5 billion Answer : ANSWER: W -- 500 MILLION...
In the Milky Way there are approximately w) 2 million stars x) 100 million stars y) 400 million stars z) 200 billion stars. Answer : ANSWER: Z -- 200 BILLION STARS...
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