Root exudates of which crop has allelo pathic effect on Chenopodium album? a). Wheat b). Oat c). Pea d). All Answer : d). All...
Which of the weed accumulates more phosphrous content of over 3%. a). Digitaria b). Amaranthus c). Chenopodium d). Portuluca Answer : a). Digitaria...
Which of the weed act as alternate host on gram caterpillar of redgram? a). Amaranthus b). Datura c). Both a and b d). None of these Answer : c). Both a and b...
. October sowing of berseem/lucerne pro motes the growth of a). Amaranthus sp b). Trianthema sp c). Both a and b d). None of these Answer : c). Both a and b...
.Strigol, a witch weed stimulant isolated from the root exudates of a). Cotton b). Sorghum c). Alfaalfa d). Cowpea Answer : a). Cotton...
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