.First mycoherbicide developed by Ab bott Laboratories, USA was a).Biosedge b). Devine c). Collego d). Biomal Answer : b). Devine...
Which among the following bioherbi cide has control efficiency more than 90 per cent? a). Collego b). Devine c). CASST d). Biomal Answer : a). Collego...
256.Which bioherbicide is a liquid formula tion of spores used to control Cuscuta chinensis and Cuscuta australis? a). Smolder b). LuBao c). ABG-5003 d). a & b Answer : d). a & b...
Classical strategy of biological ap proach involves a). Biocontrol agent b). Bioherbicides c). Bio assay d). a & b Answer : a). Biocontrol agent...
Commercial bioherbicide first appear in the market in early 1980s a). Divine b). College c). Biomal d). All
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