.First mycoherbicide developed by Ab bott Laboratories, USA was a).Biosedge b). Devine c). Collego d). Biomal Answer : b). Devine...
The successful development of which bioherbicide led to the discovery of Bio mal? a). Devine b). Collego c). Biosedge d). a & b Answer : b). Collego...
Which among the following coal contains 90 per cent of carbon? (1) Anthracite (2) Bitumen (3) Lignite (4) Peat Answer : Anthracite...
.Collego was developed to control a). Aeschynomene indica b). Eichhornia c). Cuscuta d). Morrenia odorata Answer : a). Aeschynomene indica...
CASST is a bio herbicide used to con trol a). Cenchrus b). Cassia obtusifolia c). Echinochloa d). Eichhornia Answer : b). Cassia obtusifolia...
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