Herbicidal control for isoproturon resis tance Phalaris minor in wheat a). Sulfosulfuron 25 g/ha b). Clodinafop-propargyl 60 g/ha c). Penoxaden 50 g/ha d). All Answer : d). All...
The effective control of morphological similar Phalaris minor in wheat is achieved with a). 2,4-D b). Glyphosate c). Metsulfuron - methyl d). Isoproturon Answer : d). Isoproturon...
The first prominent instance of biochemical mimicry based crop associated weed under Indian perspective is a). Saccharum spontaneous in sugarcane b). Phalaris minor in wheat c). Wild rice (Oryza longistaninata) in rice d). Itch grass (Rottboellea cochinchinensis) in upland rice Answer : b). Phalaris minor in wheat...
. Mimicry weed in wheat field a). Phalaris minor (Canary grass) b). Wild oat c). Both a and b d). None of these Answer : c). Both a and b...
A weed not controlled by clodinafop propargyl in wheat a). Poa annua b). Phalaris minor c). Avena ludoviciana d). Lolium temulentum Answer : a). Poa annua...
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