Herbicidal control for isoproturon resis tance Phalaris minor in wheat a). Sulfosulfuron 25 g/ha b). Clodinafop-propargyl 60 g/ha c). Penoxaden 50 g/ha d). All Answer : d). All...
A weed not controlled by clodinafop propargyl in wheat a). Poa annua b). Phalaris minor c). Avena ludoviciana d). Lolium temulentum Answer : a). Poa annua...
The effective control of morphological similar Phalaris minor in wheat is achieved with a). 2,4-D b). Glyphosate c). Metsulfuron - methyl d). Isoproturon Answer : d). Isoproturon...
. Mimicry weed in wheat field a). Phalaris minor (Canary grass) b). Wild oat c). Both a and b d). None of these Answer : c). Both a and b...
Phalaris minor has developed resistance to isoproturon in Punjab and Haryana in a). Rice b). Wheat c). Sugarcane d). Cotton Answer : b). Wheat...
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