Eradication is possible in following weed situations a). Ageratum conyzoides b). Phalaris minor c). Parthenium hysterophorus d). Lantana Answer : d). Lantana...
The first prominent instance of biochemical mimicry based crop associated weed under Indian perspective is a). Saccharum spontaneous in sugarcane b). Phalaris minor in wheat c). Wild rice (Oryza longistaninata) in rice d). Itch grass (Rottboellea cochinchinensis) in upland rice Answer : b). Phalaris minor in wheat...
. A common weed of lowland rice a). Phalaris minor b). Avena fatua c). Monochoria vginalis d). Lolium temulentum Answer : c). Monochoria vginalis...
C4 weed a). Avena fatua b). Lolium temulentum c). Sorghum halepense d). Phalaris minor Answer : c). Sorghum halepense...
Flooding is an effective strategy to control a). Avena ludoviciana b). Sorghum halepense c). Cynodon dactylon d). All e). None Answer : a). Avena ludoviciana...
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