1. Salt water should not be left to the plants.
2. Specifically in pots plant growers are using one and a half feet
repeatedly in wood and cement plants for planting to be comfortable.
Pots of red soil, sand, manure and mix well and to be applied.
3. Plants were irrigated in the morning and evening. After the plants are
grown with natural fertilizers in the growing of vegetables, the taste is
very good with the quality.
4. Tomatoes, Okra, Indian spinach, Chili paste and vegetable plants such
as tea, egg shell, composted vegetable waste can be composted
leaves interspersed
5. Curry leaf plant leaves dry up and drop quickly spreading, if not
plucked up the space for developing
6. If you put Lemon tree thrives piece of fish waste will dried.
7. In house garden guava, mango, sapota blooming flowers in the first
year remove the leaves induce flowering