Corriander Roof-top-gardening Answer : Similar to mint coriander also has a lot of medicinal value. So that we do not use parsley greens. In coriander chutney, rice can. Sprinkle with coriander and little from the entire kitchen is ... deep, the line spacing sown, watered, to develop and put in place adequate sunlight is available....
What is terrace gardening or roof gardening? Answer : On the floor of our house, plants, twines, flower, fruits are cultivated. It might be roof, terrace or balcony. Instead of garden around the house the plants transferred to the floor. No requirements to bought new land, use of existing roof or floor for gardening is appreciable....
Which plants are suitable for indoor gardening ? Answer : Alamanta, antikonan, aristolokiya, Manoranjitham asparakas, piknoniya, Dried Flower, perantai, Parrot Conch puspam Mattis, paikas load Ivy are plants grown as house plants Hibiscus plant Want to plant ... plant, the flower withers the leaves of the plant at different times, the same holding...
What we have to do before set the garden floor? Answer : Please keep collecting the necessary materials. Grow Bags or pot or plant bag, sand, coconut coirpith, Vermi compost, soil, bio-fertilizers to neem, lawn sprinkler, sprayer, pancakavya. 2. Step sticks, ... Small gravel stone in front of the bag will keep have the advantage of having its top vent....
Where can place the plants? Answer : In balcony, on the terrace, why .. even on the margins of the window place the pots and plants can be grown. Arrive at the two corners of the walls in the kitchens place the marble, stones ... are rich in nutrients. * Since you brought up the plants, so the results will give you extreme satisfaction...
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