Some viruses have RNA but no DNA. This would indicate that– (1) these viruses cannot replicate (2) these viruses have no heritable information (3) RNA transmits the hereditary information in these viruses (4) their nucleic acids can be crystallised Answer : these viruses have no heritable information...
The structure of DNA is a double helix formed by two strands of DNA sequence. This sequence consists of 4 different nucleotides- Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine and Guanine. How do the nucleotides on one strand interact with the nucleotides on the second strand to maintain the helical shape of DNA? Answer : Complementary Base Pairing. Adenine complementary base pairs with Thymine and Guanine complementary base pairs with Cytosine....
If a DNA contains 1000 base pairs, what would be its length? a) 3400 Å b) 34000 Å c) 6800 d) 1000 Å Answer : a) 3400 Å...
AGGTATCGCAT is a sequence from the coding strand of a gene. What will be the corresponding sequence of the transcribed mRNA ? (1) AGGUAUCGCAU (2) UGGTUTCGCAT (3) ACCUAUGCGAU (4) UCCAUAGCGUA Answer : (1) AGGUAUCGCAU...
Cistron is a) The coding sequence of DNA b) The functional unit of DNA molecule that codes for a particular gene product c) Intervening non coding sequence of DNA d) The sequences which are removed during RNA splicing. Answer : b) The functional unit of DNA molecule that codes for a particular gene product c) Intervening non coding sequence of DNA...
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