The Guide to Nail Guns
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Nail guns are devices that launch nails at high speeds, completely driving them in wood or other materials in a fraction of a second. These devices are usually powered by compressed air, electromagnetism, flammable gases or explosive charges. Most builders prefer nail guns over traditional nails and hammers for large-scale projects.

A nail gun launches nails with its muzzle touching the surface of the material. It is has a handle, which the user grasps, so the task of nailing is easier. The nails are driven into the target very accurately. Errors will only happen if the nails are launched beyond the proper distance or if projectiles are shot from a distance.

Types of Nail Guns

There are two major types of nail guns, high-velocity or direct-drive and low-velocity or indirect-drive. The nails of a direct-drive nail gun are directly launched by gas pressure. Meanwhile, in an indirect-drive nail gun, the gas pressure first acts on a piston which in turn drives the nails. Indirect-drive nail guns are safer because they do not fire free-flying projectiles. They also launch nails in a lower velocity.


Nail guns vary in their size and the thickness of nails they launch. Pin nailers, brad nailers or bradders are small nail guns that drive nails without heads. Finish layers use nails with small heads. There are also strap nailers and framing nailers used for metal and timber. Some nail guns, like roofing nailers, drive nails with large heads to decrease the risk of the nails tearing through the material.

Safety Precautions

Although nail guns are designed to reduce the risk of accidents related to using hammers and nails, they can also be very dangerous to users. In the United States alone, some 37,000 people get injured by nail guns each year. There have been lawsuits involving nail guns. There are even nail gun accident attorneys that specialize in these cases. Because of its potential for injuring people, nail guns have safety precautions similar to those of a firearm.

Nail guns are both extremely useful and potentially dangerous at the same time. Users should carefully follow instructions on how to use them and never use them beyond their intended purpose.
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