Pneumatic Nail Guns
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Most people prefer pneumatic nail guns or nailers over other types because of their power. A pneumatic nailer is powered by compressed air, so an air compressor is needed to operate this tool. Fasteners such as nails are driven by pneumatic nail guns in high velocities.

How does a pneumatic nail gun work?

This is how a pneumatic air gun works. An air compressor is plugged into an electrical outlet and air is pressurized inside the machine. The pressurized air flows through a hose that connects the air compressor and the nail gun. The air propels a piston which in turn drives the nails out of the muzzle. A pneumatic nailer can generate pressures of around 70 to 150 pounds per square inch.

Because of a pneumatic nail gun’s power, it can drive nails into materials very deeply. Its nails are also special because they have ring shanks and adhesives that make them hold materials more tightly. As nails are launched from the tool, friction and heat is produced. The heat melts the nails’ adhesive coating, which sets inside the material being fastened. The ring shanks also help to tighten the hold even more, so the nails have a very high removal resistance. Nails come in strips or plastic carrier coils. A pneumatic nailer can also fire staples, pins or brads through the use of adapters.

Types of Pneumatic Nail Guns

Models of pneumatic nail guns vary according to their applications, such as framing, finish, concrete, drywall and roofing. A typical pneumatic nailer is encased in magnesium and weighs about seven to nine pounds. Manufacturers have been trying to reduce the weight and size of these tools to make them handier. Some models have angled magazines that enable the user to work on tighter spaces. Vibration and recoil is also lessened by the tool’s padded grip.

Thousands of people are injured every year by nail guns, so always be careful when using these tools. Never fire them beyond the appropriate distance and keep them out of reach of children.
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