How to Overcome Social Phobia
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How to Overcome Social Phobia
We all get self-conscious and anxious about many things, although the problem can be quite serious for some people.  Crowds, groups, and other forms of social interaction may be too much for some people to handle.  If you’re suffering from social phobia, here are some ways to cope with it.

Social Anxiety Disorder
Social anxiety disorder is a common psychiatric diagnosis that affects over 19 million Americans.  It can occur at any time, but the onset of social phobia usually occurs during adolescence.  While anxiety is a normal response to stressful social situations (like stage fright, for example), some people may exhibit signs of anxiety and nervousness in otherwise normal situations, like:

Phone conversations
Delivering reports and presentations
People with social anxiety disorder may sometimes avoid stressful situations altogether.  When forced to deal with a social situation or event, people with the disorder may experience panic attacks, physical discomfort, shaking, or may have abnormal heartbeat patterns.

Medication and Therapy
Like any psychiatric diagnosis, a qualified mental health care professional must determine whether or not you have social phobia or social anxiety disorder.  Psychiatrists and mental health care professionals use the following means to manage social anxiety disorder:

Medication. Some psychiatrists may pinpoint social anxiety disorder to an imbalance in neurochemicals, particularly the chemical transmitter serotonin.  Serotonin is the neurotransmitter that controls many moods and emotions.  Certain drugs may be prescribed and regulated by a psychiatrist to restore serotonin to normal levels, and help manage the illness.
Psychotherapy. Group sessions and counseling help patients to cope and manage social anxiety disorder.  A support group is very important for you to know that you are not alone in your disease.  Many psychiatrists have contacts with support groups that can help you cope with social situations if you are diagnosed with a social phobia.
You may think you have social phobia, but chances are that you may only have a very heightened response to social situations that do not have to get in the way of anything you do.  You may not even need to go to a psychiatrist to cope with anxious situations:

Take deep breaths. Breathing control can help regulate your heartbeat, as well as to clear your head when you need to cope with stressful social situations.
Rationalize. Sometimes you may be anxious or afraid of things because you don’t know what the consequences are, or you’re thinking way ahead of the event.  Focus on the occasion, but act naturally.
Pull your act together. Often you need to give yourself a reality check that you have to interact with people, and go through social events, to lead a normal and productive life.  Instead of isolating yourself from society and avoiding events, you should take them as an opportunity to enjoy life.
Social anxiety disorder does not have to get in the way of your relationships with other people.  With these steps, you can get to enjoy life without having to stress yourself out at events.
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