How To Control Blood Sugar
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How To Control Blood Sugar
Any person suffering from diabetes knows that maintaining blood sugar level is important to avoid complications. Blood sugar refers to the amount of glucose present in a person’s blood. Glucose serves as the controlling factor for metabolic regulation.

Glucose is also the primary source of energy for the body’s cells. If the glucose level in the blood plummets to constantly low values, you will have what is termed hypoglycemia, a potentially fatal condition. If the level remains too high, on the other hand, you will suffer from hyperglycemia and may contract diabetes and any other fatal condition related to it. Therefore, controlling blood sugar is the key to staying healthy. Here are several steps to help.

Constantly Monitor Your Blood Sugar Level
Most people usually don’t need to monitor their blood sugar, but it can’t hurt to do so, especially if you’ve been diagnosed with symptoms of diabetes. Checking your blood sugar level regularly will always ensure that you’re still within the normal range, and will give you time to adjust if you’re hovering out of it. There are devices sold today that allow you to do this. Conversely, you can also ask your doctor or physician to do the check-up.

Limit Your Sugar Intake
Most people think that sugar is only present in sweet foods such as candies or ice cream. What they don’t know is that large amounts of refined carbohydrates such as white flours, bread, and white rice are easily converted into glucose as well. Also, even if you still don’t add sugar to food, you can still take in tremendous amounts of sugar if you take in processed food. Eat fruits and sweet vegetables instead of fruit juices or sodas.

Get Fiber And Protein
Carbohydrates are usually broken down into simpler forms upon digestion, with glucose making up a big part of them. A diet high in fiber slows down the absorption and digestion of carbohydrates, preventing rapid increase of blood sugar levels. Soluble fibers also keep the pancreas from secreting too much insulin, and improves the use of glucose in the liver. Protein, on the other hand, helps keep the adrenal glands, pancreas, and liver functioning properly, and prevent the craving of high-carbohydrate foods.

Eat At Regular Intervals
Eating small meals at frequent intervals helps stabilize the blood sugar levels by preventing craving and taking in large amounts of carbohydrates in one sitting. Since your body functions best with regular schedules, get into the habit of eating meals at regular intervals. Have a small amount of protein and fat in your meals to keep sugar level in check.

You might think that it takes a lot of effort to keep your blood level in control, especially if you’re diabetic, but the trade-off is more than worth the trouble. After all, the cost is your life.
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