How to Hide Speaker Cables
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How to Hide Speaker Cables
Setting up your new home theater should be planned properly since you don’t want speaker cables cluttering up all the space. With careful planning, you should be able to place the speakers strategically, maintaining the order and cleanliness of your entertainment system. To hide those ugly speaker cables, just follow these simple tips:

Through your ceiling
If you have a drop-ceiling then connecting to surround speakers will be a breeze. Mount your surrounds up near the ceiling to get a clean look. Then use the ceiling joists to run your speaker cables to each speaker.

Since some of the wire may hang down the ceiling, you can try to paint on top of it to match the wall paint and make it invisible or at least less visible.

Under your baseboards
You can use your baseboards especially if you have a carpeted theater. There should be enough speaker cable to reach your speakers and along the baseboards. Tuck the cable between the carpet and baseboard. Using a screw driver, gently push the cables under the baseboard.

Under your carpet
Running the cables under your carpet is ideal especially if you haven’t installed your carpet yet. Ask the carpet installers to have your cables run throughout the room all the way to their respective speakers. Ask them to be extra careful so that they won’t damage the cables. They usually glue two carpet seams together using hot irons and a special tape so make sure that they don’t damage the cables.

If the carpet has been installed already, don’t fret. Simply pull back the carpet from the edges of the room, run the cable and then push the carpet back. If the cable has to cross a door, you can run the cable as close to the door opening as possible.

In-wall speakers
You can have your speakers built into the ceiling or wall to achieve that clean look. Make sure that the speaker you intend to install into these walls are built exactly for this use since you can’t aim the speaker to the direction you’d like. You can also paint the grill and upgrade the speakers as you wish.

Cable run
You can also use a cable run or ferry and install it from the front end of your room to the back and down the wall where you’ll be situating your surround speaker. Installing a cable run is cheaper than laying expensive cables. You can simply just install a low cost cable run to hook up any new devices.
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