How to Peel a Butternut Squash
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How to Peel a Butternut Squash
The butternut squash is a delicious and healthy squash variety loved for its sweet taste. It’s heavenly when cooked, but when you’re just about to prepare it, it can be such a huge fuss (Tips on how to cook butternut squash). A lot of amateur cooks have injured themselves while trying to peel this hard and heavy veggie. To help you out, here are some simple steps you can follow.

What You’ll Need:
Butternut squash
Chopping board
Large chef knife
Sharp vegetable peeler (carbon steel blade)
Rubber mallet (optional)
Wash the butternut squash under running water. Dry it thoroughly, then place on the chopping board.
butternut squash

Using the large chef knife, cut the two ends of the squash. Remove 1/4 inch from the bottom and 1/4 from the stem end. Others don’t have much difficulty driving the knife through the hard skin and flesh, but if you do, you can use a rubber mallet to help push the knife through the squash.
If you have a very sharp vegetable peeler, you can use it to work on the squash. Holding the vegetable in one hand, peel off the outer layer of the squash, with outward strokes. You can also do this while the squash stands on the board, but make sure that it doesn’t wobble. If needed, cut the bottom evenly again. Run the peeler from the top going downwards. Be very careful when doing this, because the peeler can slip and cut your fingers instead. Go around the squash, until all the peel is removed.
If you don’t have a sharp peeler, you can just use the kitchen knife. Make the squash stand on the chopping board, then cut it down the middle, to form two equal halves. Scoop out the seeds inside using the spoon. Afterwards, cut the squash into quarters. Pick one up, put the blade of the knife between the orange vegetable’s flesh and the peel, then slide it downwards carefully, going towards you. It can be tricky, but with practice, you’ll get the hang of it.
Another way to peel your squash is by slicing it in smaller portions first. Put the slice flat on the board, then slide your knife down in between the flesh and the peel. You’ll lose a little more squash, but it’s safer.
Cut and slice the squash according to the recipe requirements, whether into cubes, strips or just thick chunky pieces.
It’s tasty when cooked, but when being prepared, butternut squash can be a nuisance. Follow these simple steps when peeling and cutting this vegetable, so you’ll avoid getting injured in the process. If you enjoy reading this article, you’ll be pleased to learn how to grow butternut squash.
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