How to Change a Vacuum Bag
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How to Change a Vacuum Bag
Vacuuming your house often is very important, so the interior will be clean and dirt-free. Eventually, you’ll find your vacuum bag full already with dirt, dust and other particles and grime you picked up from the floor. It’s time to change the bag, but if you don’t know how to do this, here’s a helpful guide for you.

What You’ll Need:
Vacuum cleaner
New vacuum bags
Determine if it’s time to change your vacuum bag. How frequent you do this depends on how often you vacuum your home and how your lifestyle is. If you vacuum very often (at least a few times a week) and if you have pets, you might need to change your vacuum at least once month. To check if a bag is ready to be replaced, feel it. If 50 to 60 percent of the bag is full, it’s time to change it. Some models also have a light indicator that tells you if it’s time for a bag change.
vacuum bag

Find the right type of bag for your vacuum. Different vacuum models have different bag types, so make sure you get the right one. You can ask your local home improvement store for help. If not, you can also look up details about your vacuum online. You can even make your purchase there.
Find a clean place where you can replace the bag. It’s best to work in a surface that’s easy to clean up, just in case the old bag accidentally opens. Also, don’t forget to remove the vacuum from the electrical socket as a safety precaution.
Open the vacuum bag container. Most simple models have one that can simply be zippered down. Once you open the container, check the vacuum bag inside. Don’t worry about getting your hands dirty; most vacuum bags are neatly sealed, so no dirt will come out. Slide the bag to you, the opening pointed upwards at all times.
Check if the bag has a strap or cloth support tab. If it does, unhook it. This is very common, used to keep the bag upright
The vacuum bag will be attached to a hose. There’s dust accumulating here, so give it a couple of shakes and taps, so the dust will loosen.
Detach the hose from the vacuum bag, either by twisting it or popping it open. Be very careful, so no dirt falls out. Put the bag aside.
Get the new vacuum bag, and attach it to the hose. You might need to twist it again. Most vacuum bags have instructions written on them describing how to use them. Follow these instructions.
Attach the fresh bag to the strap or cloth support tab again. Put it back in the container, then zipper it closer. Your vacuum is ready for use again!
Changing a vacuum bags won’t take up much time, but it’ll assure you of a more effective vacuum and a cleaner home. Just follow these steps and this task will be soon done!
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