How to Build Concrete Steps
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How to Build Concrete Steps
Making a good, serviceable set of concrete steps can seem daunting, and rightly so. When poorly-done, concrete steps can end up unbalanced, shaky, and will be breaking apart before you know it. However, it doesn’t mean it should be blacklisted from projects that you can do yourself. Here’s how.

Measuring the Steps
Where will your steps be located? Remember that exterior stairs may have to follow steps and rail dimensions according to your local building code. So consult with that first before starting. Once you have done so, you’re ready to start. Here are the steps to measure your steps.

Keep in mind: The stair riser is the vertical face of the steps and the stair treads is the horizontal surface of the steps.
When calculating the total rise and run of the steps, take the footing into consideration. The footing is typically a gravel and concrete foundation that supports and stabilizes the steps. Make the footing by digging a six-inch bed which follows the dimensions of the total run and width of the set of stairs.
Calculate the total rise and run of the set of steps you are going to build. Measure from the edge of the porch (the upper part) down to the ground (the lower part). This measurement will be the total rise of the stairs. Calculate the total run of the stairs by by measuring the horizontal length from the foundation on the ground to where the stairs should begin.
Build the Concrete Forms
You will need a frame for your concrete steps. Cut them out from good, new, unwarped, undamaged 3/4″ plywood sheets.
Measure the basic form of the steps according to the measurements you’ve calculated. Cut out the forms.
Position the sides/the stair run form on each side of the porch tightly and securely. Each form should be in a right angle to the porch and plumb to the footing on both sides. The tread of the form should also run absolutely level to one another.
You will need to support the forms against the weight of the concrete. To do this, drive stakes on the outside of each form after every 12 inches. Attach the stakes to the form using screws or ordinary nails. Make sure that you have enough bracings for the form to support the concrete’s weight.
Once you’re done, cut out the form for the risers. They should long enough to overlap each side form and have the same height as the riser. Attach them to the side forms using nails for additional bracing and support.
Use lubricant to coat the interior surfaces so the forms will be able to release cleanly from the concrete later on.
Pour the Concrete
Mix the concrete according to manufacturer’s instructions.
Start from the bottom step working your up. Spade the concrete well and firmly into the forms and removing or striking off the excess concrete.
Work by layer. Let one layer set first for 20 minutes before moving to the next step up. Tap each form lightly to release air bubbles that may be trapped inside.
Finish the Steps
Wait until the concrete has set enough, per manufacturer’s instructions, to hold the concrete steps’ shape.
Do the opposite from pouring the concrete: Start from the top step working your way to the last step.
Smooth the surfaces of the risers with a float tool.
Round the junction where the riser intersects and joins the tread.
Broom the steps to prevent skidding.
Let the concrete cure and harden for six more days without removing the side forms.
After the curing period, remove the side forms and use concrete patching compound to patch imperfections.
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