How to Build a Home Gym ?
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How to Build a Home Gym
Home gyms have been around for a long time now, although more and more people are buying exercise equipment for them to work out at home. Memberships at gyms and health clubs can be expensive, time-consuming, and take a lot of effort and commitment that you may be unable to spare. If you want a convenient way to work out without the hassle of gym memberships and regular visits to the health club, then a home gym may be just right for you.

home gymBuilding a home gym is very expensive. You have to buy top of the line equipment, as well as a full set of weights and other exercise tools, to keep your body in top physical shape. Some home gyms are often used by wealthy people to add to the market value of their homes and properties, and some home gyms are used by athletes who want to focus on their workouts without having to go to the gym.

The biggest disadvantages to a home gym include bulk and expense, but if you really want to build a home gym, you have to consider the costs. Here are some questions you need to ask yourself before building a home gym:

Do you really need one? Sometimes the cost of making and maintaining a home gym is more expensive than a gym membership. If you do not absolutely have the need for a home gym, you’re better off with a membership to a fully-equipped gym or fitness club.
What equipment do you need? It’s rare to find a fully-equipped home gym that has the same equipment as gyms and fitness clubs. Your budget should be enough to cover free weights and a treadmill, with some to spare for other equipment and decoration.
Do you have room? Gym equipment is bulky, and dumbbells and barbells need to be stored and secured in a safe location.
Parts of a Home Gym
Some people think of home gyms and may think of smaller versions of full health clubs, where they work out surrounded by all sorts of bulky and expensive exercise equipment. While this is true in some home gyms, most home exercise equipment only need to fulfill the essential parts of exercise.

Strength training equipment. Free weights, weight machines, and resistance training equipment sculpt the muscles and give you added strength and muscular definition. Strength training equipment are heavy and expensive, and need a safe and stable location to be stored in.
Cardiovascular training equipment. While cardiovascular training may be performed through tapes and dance steps, it also helps to have cardiovascular exercise equipment handy for your home gym. Speed bags, punching bags, medicine balls, and calf weights are great for keeping your heart and lungs in top physical form.
Endurance training equipment. Treadmills, elliptical trainers, riders, and exercise bikes all provide you with the total body workout to keep you good to go for just about any physical activity. Remember that endurance training is not a substitute for strength training and cardiovascular training; it is best to own a good piece of endurance training equipment, while setting the rest of your home gym budget to other pieces of exercise equipment.
All-in-One Workout Machines
You may have seen all-in-one workout machines sold through infomercials, and they may advertise themselves as “all-in-one” workout machines that do away with separate machines. Don’t be fooled; remember that because everything is packed into a small machine, you probably will not get the results you want from it. Some all-in-one exercise and workout machines are also not tested or proven to be effective as exercise devices. Be cautious when buying all-in-one workout machines; it is still best to use the machine to supplement the rest of your exercise equipment.

A home gym is a wise investment to make if you want a fit, healthy body. With these tips to help you build a home gym, you’re only a few workouts away from getting the body you want for yourself.
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