Electric current passing through the circuit produces?
Electric current passing through the circuit produces thermal effect.
What is the direction of flow of electric current in an electric circuit? Answer : It flows from anode to cathode (direction of holes flow)...
When electric current passes through a bucket full of water, lot of bubbling is observed. This suggests that the type of supply is? Answer : When electric current passes through a bucket full of water, lot of bubbling is observed. This suggests that the type of supply is D.C. ...
When electric current passes through a metallic conductor, its temperature rises. This is due to? Answer : When electric current passes through a metallic conductor, its temperature rises. This is due to collisions between conduction electrons and atoms. ...
Heat in a conductor is produced on the passage of electric current due to? Answer : Heat in a conductor is produced due to frictional collision of electrons flow as they conduct current....
An instrument which detects electric current is known as? Answer : An instrument which detects electric current is known as galvanometer. ...
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