The robot is a vacuum cleaner. How to Choose a Home Assistant?
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The robot is a vacuum cleaner. How to Choose a Home Assistant?

If you value your work, have a good income, respect your leisure time, and do not want to spend at least some part of your free time cleaning the apartment, it's time to think about purchasing a robot vacuum cleaner.

Its main advantage is that such a device is able to clean the room automatically, that is, without your participation. What types of work can such a vacuum cleaner perform independently and what is its device? Let's try to understand these issues.

Robot vacuum cleanerHow does the robot determine the course of its movement around the apartment? That is, how does he navigate the room without bumping into furniture, walls and other objects? The answers to these questions will dispel some of the myths and prejudices about these smart vacuum cleaners, and allow you to navigate the variety of their systems.

How does it work

The device of almost all models of robotic vacuum cleaners is almost the same. After all, they are designed to solve the same tasks, namely, cleaning the premises. In general terms, a robot vacuum cleaner is a compact device that has the functions of a conventional vacuum cleaner (albeit with a lower suction power) and is able to independently move around the apartment in accordance with a given program. Its orientation in space is provided by special sensors. And the program (or algorithm) of its movement is set by special software. It is in it that the difference between the models of such robotic vacuum cleaners lies.

This is due to the fact that the software for their models is developed and patented by each manufacturer separately. The quality of cleaning and the difference in the cost of similar models from different manufacturers depend on its quality, in particular. In each such robot, as a rule, the most basic algorithms of movement are laid: along a zigzag, along the perimeter of the room, along its diagonal, in a spiral, etc.

These algorithms, depending on the information of the sensors, alternately change. Therefore, although at first glance, it seems that the robot vacuum cleaner moves chaotically, in fact, its movements are subject to a certain program. For example, it cleans more thoroughly the corners of the room, where, as you know, the greatest amount of dust is collected, and less scrupulously its center, where there is less dust.

robot vacuum cleanerThe robot's sensors are its “senses”. And the speed and direction of his movement are adjusted depending on what he "sees". Naturally, the number of sensors installed on the robot determines the quality of its "vision", and hence how it orientates itself in the room. The most modern and more expensive models of robotic vacuum cleaners, in addition to standard sensors, can be equipped with additional, ultrasonic devices, as well as a pollution sensor. And some models are equipped with entire laser navigation systems.

Under what conditions does the robot vacuum cleaner not work?

The first thing that can make the robot vacuum cleaner work impossible is things scattered on the floor and various wires. Black and matte surfaces make it difficult to work, but a long-haired carpet or carpet with a long pile can stop the device, as it will simply get entangled in them. Cleaning of the room, which is densely packed with furniture, will also be delayed. Openings between rooms that are too high will also interfere with the robot's navigation. Therefore, if you have certain doubts about the capabilities of the robot vacuum cleaner to move around your apartment, it is better to consult a specialist.

Battery capacity and charging stations

The quality and speed of cleaning the room also depends on the battery capacity of the robot vacuum cleaner. On average, cleaning an apartment with an area of up to 60 meters takes up to 2 hours of device operation. Most vacuum cleaners made in China or Korea are equipped with rechargeable batteries that can be charged for no more than an hour of operation. This delays the cleaning of the apartment, since such a vacuum cleaner often has to be put on charge. Some models of vacuum cleaners are equipped with “charging stations”, which allow the robot to charge itself. Such a robot in the "maximum cleaning" operating mode will continue to work immediately after charging the batteries.

However, there is some snag here, which, by the way, is inherent in vacuum cleaners with large-capacity batteries. It lies in the fact that the vacuum cleaner can again start cleaning the same room that it cleaned before charging. This problem of sequential cleaning of several rooms of an apartment remains relevant for most models of robotic vacuum cleaners. Even the most sophisticated vacuum cleaners can clean one room several times, and just accidentally drop into another. Therefore, the premises of the apartment need some kind of "zoning" so that the vacuum cleaner can determine where it has already worked and where it has not.

How do I restrict movement?

Zoning of premises is carried out using the so-called "virtual walls". They are small devices that are designed to emit a narrow-beam infrared beam. This beam creates an invisible wall that restricts the movement of the robot vacuum cleaner. The vacuum cleaner, as it were, bumps into a virtual wall when its sensors fix this beam. After that, the device makes a U-turn and begins to clean up another place in the room.

For a person, this virtual wall is not visible and does not exist. And for a robot vacuum cleaner, it is a real obstacle. By moving these obstacles around the apartment, you can create the necessary zoning, directing the robot to consistently clean all the rooms.

But what if the model of the vacuum cleaner you have purchased is simpler and does not include “virtual walls”. Yes, you just need to close the door in the room in which the vacuum cleaner is cleaning.

Is it possible to program the start time of the robot vacuum cleaner?

In order for the robot vacuum cleaner to work really in full automatic mode, that is, to start working at a given time on its own, these devices are endowed with a function that allows you to program the time it turns on. This function is available in almost all models of vacuum cleaners, but in some models its operation leaves much to be desired. This is especially true of relatively cheap Chinese robotic vacuum cleaners.

Even the well-known company "iRobot" was able to realize the idea of programmed switching on by days of the week only in top models and in certain models of the middle price segment of their vacuum cleaners.

How does the price and quality of robotic vacuum cleaners compare?

The answer may be the only one - in direct proportion. And they can be divided rather conditionally into three groups:

Robot vacuum cleaners in the price range from 10 to 25 thousand rubles. Even a visual inspection shows that the price corresponds to the quality. The body parts of these vacuum cleaners are tightly fitted to one another. In the manufacture of the cases themselves, a strong and thick plastic is used, which guarantees their durability. Vacuum cleaners have wide functionality and provide high-quality cleaning of premises. Typically, they include large trash bins, a high-capacity battery for 2 hours of continuous cleaning, and enough sensor sensors to ensure these robots are on their way. They are able to navigate in space, go around furniture and move quite quickly. The package usually also contains a charging station and a set of "virtual walls". It takes 3-4 hours to charge the batteries. The software of these robotic vacuum cleaners allows for a fairly efficient cleaning of premises. And their quite affordable price can make such a device a good assistant in housekeeping and free you from most of the worries about cleaning the apartment.

Elite segment. At first glance, robotic vacuum cleaners from this series practically do not differ from their middle-class counterparts in their functionality and capabilities. But at the same time they are more expensive, their price is more than 25 thousand rubles. Their main advantage lies in the most important thing - in the efficiency of cleaning. Such an expensive robot vacuum cleaner takes only 10-20 minutes to charge, that is, it can work almost continuously. This allows for a short period of time to clean a large apartment, dacha or house. Therefore, if you are not short of funds and want to completely relieve yourself of taking care of the cleanliness of your apartment, you should purchase one of their robotic vacuum cleaners of this particular price segment.

And, finally, a third group of such devices can be distinguished (although, most experts, they do not belong at all to the family of robotic vacuum cleaners). These models are cheaper than 10 thousand rubles. On the market you can find such a vacuum cleaner, mainly made in China, at a cost of 4-7 thousand rubles. However, we will omit the description of their functionality, since by purchasing such a device, you do not get an assistant in the house, but a lot of problems for yourself.

How to take care of the robot vacuum cleaner?

Do not forget that although your home assistant is proudly called "robot", he, like any other power tool, needs service and maintenance. First, it is necessary to empty the trash can after 2-3 cleaning sessions. A little less often to clean its brushes and sensors. Otherwise, the efficiency of the robot vacuum cleaner will decrease, and its movements may become really chaotic.

In conclusion, we hope that the information provided will assist you in choosing the exact model of the robot vacuum cleaner that, in all respects, will satisfy your requirements regarding it, and such a device will become a real home assistant working in automatic mode.

A bit of history

iRobotThe first robot vacuum cleaner was produced by the American company "iRobot". The history of these devices begins in 1990. It was in this year that Coling Engle, who was educated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, decided to start his own business in the field of artificial intelligence. His ideas infected Rodney Brooks, who at that time was already seriously working in this direction. Together they created the company "iRobot", in which they later attracted a young talented graduate of the same university, Helen Greiner, as a partner. Carrying out their research on the creation of artificial intelligence, this group of young scientists, among other things, created a small nimble vacuum cleaner that independently cleaned their own workshop. A little later, it was these ideas that brought the partners financial success.

Already the first model of such a robot vacuum cleaner, called "iRobot - ROOMBA", has become a commercially successful project. And although it was launched on the market back in 2002, this model of a robot vacuum cleaner is still the most popular model in the entire line of these devices.

Currently, the most serious manufacturers of robotic vacuum cleaners are the well-known companies "Electrolux", "Siemens" and "Karcher". Various models of these devices are produced by numerous other companies, most of them are Chinese. Moreover, both under the license of the leading manufacturers, and according to our own developments.
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