Linux Kernel Architecture
Linux Kernel Architecture:
The kernel is a layer between Linux OS and hardware. When Linux is running in main memory it is divided into two parts one is user space and second is kernel space.
1.User Space
2.Kernel Space
what are the significance of kernel in RTOS ? Answer : In every RTOS there is the kernel. The kernel is the core supervisory software. The kernel provides minimal logic. Scheduling is also provided by the kernel. The resource- ... device managment service.RTOS kernel has interrupt management service.RTOS kernel has memory management service....
List and explain the various functions supported by Linux/RTLinux. Answer : Various functions of RTLinux is as follows: Interrupt handling functions ...
What are the advantages of using Linux? Answer : Advantages of Linux are as follows :Linux is open source and free.Linux Is multiuser and multitasking operating system.Linux is the stable operating system.Linux is reliable.Linux can be modify according to requirements.Linux is the secure operating system....
What is meant by embedded Linux? Answer : Linux is the operating system if we use this operating system in embedded system devices then it is known as embedded Linux. Linux is open source and free....
Answer : Linux Kernel Architecture...
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