The wind-chill index outside is -10 F when the wind blows at 20 mph and the air temperature is 20 F. To what temperature will a dry object cool when placed outside? w) 20 F x) 10 F y) -10 F z) -20 F Answer : ANSWER: W -- 20 F...
Which is true for Low-Latitude Climates? w) have a winter season x) lack a winter season y) are wet throughout the year z) are dry throughout the year Answer : ANSWER: X -- LACK A WINTER SEASON ...
A psychrometer (pron: si-'kro-me-ter) is used to measure humidity. It consists of two thermometers, one of which is wetted. The water is allowed to evaporate. Which thermometer reads the higher temperature. w) the wet one x) the dry one Answer : ANSWER: X -- THE DRY ONE ...
When does the air cool most rapidly? Is it during w) a cloudy day x) a cloudy night y) a sunny day z) a clear night Answer : ANSWER: Z -- A CLEAR NIGHT...
On which of the following does the capacity of a kilogram of air for holding water depend? w) the air pressure x) the air temperature y) the dust content of the air z) the ions in the air Answer : ANSWER: X -- THE AIR TEMPERATURE ...
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