In 1991, critical habitat was designated for this well-known species in the states of Washington, Oregon and California. w) brown bear x) northern spotted owl y) bald eagle z) snail darter Answer : ANSWER: X -- NORTHERN SPOTTED OWL...
The fossils found in the tar pits of Rancho La Bre in Los Angeles included all of the following EXCEPT one. Which one was absent? w) saber-toothed cat x) dire wolf y) wooly mammoth z) giant ground sloth Answer : ANSWER: Y -- WOOLY MAMMOTH...
The San Andreas fault in California is a classic example of which of the following types of faults? w) tear fault x) upthrust fault y) dip-slip fault z) strike-slip fault Answer : ANSWER: Z -- STRIKE-SLIP FAULT...
In which of these states can large numbers of drumlins be found? w) Oregon x) California y) Texas z) Wisconsin Answer : ANSWER: Z -- WISCONSIN ...
A city that suffered a major earthquake, but is not on a plate boundary, is w) Los Angeles, California x) San Francisco, California y) Tokyo, Japan z) Charleston, South Carolina Answer : ANSWER: Z -- CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA...
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