In the nebular hypothesis, each planet is formed from which of the following? w) a comet x) a number of moons y) a passing star z) a ring of gas Answer : ANSWER: Z -- A RING OF GAS...
According to the French scientist Buffon, the solar system formed when our sun w) was first formed x) collided with a comet y) began to cool down z) began to expand. Answer : ANSWER: X -- COLLIDED WITH A COMET ...
On which one of the following is the largest known volcanic cone in the solar system located? w) Earth x) Io y) Mars z) the moon Answer : ANSWER: Y -- MARS...
The ring nebula is an example of a planetary nebula. It is: w) a ring of planets circling a star. x) an expanding ring of gas released from a dying star. y) a contracting ring of gas and dust falling circling into a massive object. z) a ring of stars in a circular orbit. Answer : ANSWER: X -- AN EXPANDING RING OF GAS RELEASED FROM A DYING STAR ...
On which of the following does the capacity of a kilogram of air for holding water depend? w) the air pressure x) the air temperature y) the dust content of the air z) the ions in the air Answer : ANSWER: X -- THE AIR TEMPERATURE ...
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