In geological studies, a fault in the earth's surface in which the hanging wall has moved down relative to the footwall is termed: w) normal fault x) reverse fault y) upthrust fault z) none of these Answer : ANSWER: W -- NORMAL FAULT...
In geological studies, a fault in the earth's surface in which the hanging wall has moved UP relative to the footwall is termed: w) overthrust fault x) reverse fault y) tear fault z) none of these Answer : ANSWER: X -- REVERSE FAULT ...
In geological studies, a reverse fault having a di less than 10 degrees is known as which of the following types of faults. w) normal x) overthrust y) strike-slip z) none of the above. Answer : ANSWER: X -- OVERTHRUST...
In studies of the surface of the earth, a reverse fault having a dip between 10 and 45 degrees is known as a: w) thrust fault x) normal fault y) strike-slip fault z) neither of these Answer : ANSWER: W -- THRUST FAULT ...
In geological studies, a breccia contains particle that have which of the following shapes? w) rounded x) angular y) square z) spheroidal Answer : ANSWER: X -- ANGULAR...
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