As we have seen with Hurricane Andrew, natural forces can cause great loss of human life. Which of the following natural disasters has resulted in the greatest loss of human life in a single occurrence? w) typhoon x) volcanic eruption y) earthquake z) tornado Answer : ANSWER: Y -- EARTHQUAKE (ON JANUARY 23, 1556, 830,000 PEOPLE DIED IN SHENSI, CHINW)...
Certain substances are classified as water pollutants, others as air pollutants and still others as land pollutants. Which of the following pollutes all three parts of our environment? w) fluorocarbons x) smog y) acid rain z) ozone Answer : ANSWER: Y -- ACID RAIN...
Which of the following does NOT affect sea level change? w) Antarctic ice sheet x) small glaciers and ice caps y) Arctic sea ice z) Greenland ice sheet Answer : ANSWER: Y -- ARCTIC SEA ICE...
On which of the following does the capacity of a kilogram of air for holding water depend? w) the air pressure x) the air temperature y) the dust content of the air z) the ions in the air Answer : ANSWER: X -- THE AIR TEMPERATURE ...
Which of the following mountain ranges were formed as a result of volcanic action? w) Appalachians x) Teton Range y) Front Range z) Cascade Range Answer : ANSWER: Z -- CASCADE RANGE...
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