Biomass energy is w) formed through photosynthesis x) caused by heat due to the large mass of the Earth y) has been used for only a few years z) the predominant source of commercial heat energy in the northern regions of the United States Answer : ANSWER: W -- FORMED THROUGH PHOTOSYNTHESIS...
About what percent of the electricity used in the United States is currently being produced by nuclear power plants? w) 5 percent x) 10 percent y) 20 percent z) 30 percent Answer : ANSWER: Y -- 20 PERCENT ...
Approximately what percentage of the electricity produced in the United States is consumed by residential appliances? w) 20% x) 33% y) 50% z) 66% Answer : ANSWER: X -- 33% ...
What percentage of the earth's atmosphere does O2 comprise? w) 75% x) 50% y) 21% z) 32% Answer : ANSWER: Y -- 21%...
Which of the following energy sources does NOT originally come from the Sun? w) wind x) Ocean thermal energy conversion y) geothermal z) hydroelectric Answer : ANSWER: Y -- GEOTHERMAL...
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