Cassini's division is described by which of the following? w) A break in the rings of Saturn x) A break in the clouds of Jupiter y) The distance between the first two moons of Jupiter z) The distance between the Van Allen belts Answer : ANSWER: W -- A BREAK IN THE RINGS OF SATURN...
The same side of the moon always faces the Earth because: w) the moon is not rotating about its axis. x) the moon's motion was fixed at its creation by the laws of inertia. y) tidal forces keep ... in sync with each other. z) the moon's magnetic poles keep aligned with the Earth's magnetic field. Answer : ANSWER: Y -- TIDAL FORCES KEEP THE MOON'S ROTATION AND ORBITING MOTION IN SYNCH WITH EACH OTHER. ...
The precession of the Earth refers to the: w) change from night to day. x) Earth's motion around the sun. y) change in orientation of the Earth's axis. z) effect of the moon on the Earth's orbit. Answer : ANSWER: Y -- CHANGE IN ORIENTATION OF THE EARTH'S AXIS. ...
Rainbows are produced when sunlight : (1) Incident on rain drops hanging in the atmosphere is dispersed after suffering refraction (2) Incident on rain drops hanging in the atmosphere is dispersed ... atmosphere is dispresed after suffering reflection. (4) None of the given statements is correct. Answer : Incident on rain drops hanging in the atmosphere is dispersed after suffering refraction and internal reflection....
What belts are composed of charged particles surrounding the Earth? Answer : ANSWER: VAN ALLEN BELTS...
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