Which of the following men was the first to make systematic use of a telescope in astronomy? w) Copernicus x) Tycho Brahe y) Kepler z) Galileo Answer : ANSWER: D -- GALILEO...
Who was the first man to classify stars according to their brightness. Was it: w) Aristarchus x) Pythagorus y) Copernicus z) Hipparchus Answer : ANSWER: Z -- HIPPARCHUS...
Name the astronomer who discovered that Mars orbits the sun in an elliptical orbit. Answer : ANSWER: KEPLER...
Which of the following Scientist proved that the path of each planet around the Sun is elliptical? (1) Kepler (2) Galileo (3) Newton (4) Copernicus Answer : Kepler...
Which of the following first hypothesized that the Earth orbited the sun? w) Alexander the Great x) Copernicus y) Socrates z) Tycho Brahe Answer : ANSWER: X -- COPERNICUS...
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