A line through the three stars in Orion's belt points toward which one of the following stars? w) Mizor x) Polaris y) Sirius z) Rigel Answer : ANSWER: Y -- SIRIUS...
Who was the first man to classify stars according to their brightness. Was it: w) Aristarchus x) Pythagorus y) Copernicus z) Hipparchus Answer : ANSWER: Z -- HIPPARCHUS...
The apparent magnitude of an object in the sky describes its w) size x) magnification y) brightness z) distance Answer : ANSWER: Y -- BRIGHTNESS...
When originally discovered, how were planets such as Pluto distinguished from the multitude of stars in the sky? w) The planets appear to be bigger than stars x) The planets are brighter than most stars y) The planets move relative to the stars z) The planets are close to the ecliptic Answer : ANSWER: C -- THE PLANETS MOVE RELATIVE TO THE STARS...
A coordinate system based on the ecliptic system is especially useful for the studies of w) planets x) stars y) the Milky Way z) galaxies Answer : ANSWER: W -- PLANETS...
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