Which of the following constellations has more bright stars than any other constellation? w) Big Dipper x) Cassiopeia y) Orion z) Scorpion Answer : ANSWER: Y -- ORION...
What is the most distant object in the sky that the human eye can see without optical instruments? w) The Horsehead Nebula x) The Andromeda Galaxy y) The Sagittarius Constellation z) The Aurora Borealis Answer : ANSWER: X -- THE ANDROMEDA GALAXY ...
What is the name of the star that is the BRIGHTEST in the sky? Answer : ANSWER: SIRIUS...
Name the northern latitude constellation that is easily recognized by 5 bright stars forming an irregular "W", some observers seeing not only a W but also a chair. One of the brightest novae on record appeared in this constellation in 1572. Answer : ANSWER: CASSIOPEIA (pron: cass-e-o-pe-yw)...
This yellow-white, spectral F-type star is located in the constellation Carina south of the ecliptic. It ranks second in apparent brightness among the stars. Is this star: w) Canopus x) Alpha Centauri y) Castor z) Rigel Answer : ANSWER: W -- CANOPUS...
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