The brightest star in this constellation is Vega. In which constellation can Vega be found? Answer : ANSWER: LYRA...
Algol (pron: AL-gall), the Demon star, is a binary star whose larger component revolves around and regularly eclipses the smaller, brighter star causing periodic changes in brightness. The ... is in is also noted for meteor showers that appear annually in August. Name the constellation. Answer : ANSWER: PERSEUS (pron: PER-see-us)...
Which of the following is true for ORION? Orion is: w) the brightest star in the sky x) a constellation y) the name given to a NASA spacecraft z) an asteroid Answer : ANSWER: X -- A CONSTELLATION...
Name the northern latitude constellation that is easily recognized by 5 bright stars forming an irregular "W", some observers seeing not only a W but also a chair. One of the brightest novae on record appeared in this constellation in 1572. Answer : ANSWER: CASSIOPEIA (pron: cass-e-o-pe-yw)...
The word Albedo (pron: al-BEE-doe) refers to which of the following? w) The wobbling motion of a planet x) The amount of light a planet reflects y) The phase changes of a planet z) The brightness of a star Answer : ANSWER: X -- THE AMOUNT OF LIGHT THE PLANET REFLECTS...
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