Part of the endocrine system in humans, these two glands are small bodies located at the upper end of each kidney. While these glands perform a variety of functions, two of the most important ... (2) accommodation of the body to intermittent rather than constant intake of food. Name these glands. Answer : ANSWER: Adrenal Glands...
Which one of the following is not a benefit of saliva ? (1) It facilitates swallowing (2) It increases RBCs in the body (3) It keeps the mouth and teeth clean (4) It aids speech by facilitating movements of lips and tongue Answer : It increases RBCs in the body...
Lactogenic hormone is secreted by (1) Mammary glands (2) Placenta (3) Ovary (4) Pituitary Answer : Pituitary...
What is correct to say about the hormone action in humans ? (1) FSH stimulates the secretion of estrogen and progesterone (2) Glucagon is secreted by -cells of Islets of Langerhans and ... stimulated with aging (4) If females, FSH first binds with specific receptors on ovarian cell membrane Answer : (4) If females, FSH first binds with specific receptors on ovarian cell membrane...
The sailva secreted in the mouth digests (1) Proteins (2) Starch (3) Fats (4) Vitamins Answer : Starch...
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