Bile has what function in digestion? a) emulsify lipids b) digest proteins c) gluconeogenesis (pron: glue-ko-nee-o-gen-e-sis) d) digest carbohydrates Answer : ANSWER: A -- EMULSIFY LIPIDS...
The condition in which there is a DECREASE in the number of white blood cells in humans is known as: a) leukocytosis (pron: lew-kO-sigh-toe-sis) b) leukopenia (pron: lew-kO-pea-nee-ah) c) leukemia (pron: lew-kee-me-ah) d) leukohyperia (pron: lew-kO-high-per-e-ah) Answer : ANSWER: B -- leukopenia...
Most of the fungi commonly observed are members of this group of fungi, which includes toadstools, mushrooms and puffballs. This group of fungi is known as: a) Phycomycetes (pron: fI-kO-my-seats) b) Ascomycetes ... ) c) Basidomycetes (pron: beh-sid-E-O-my-seats) d) Plyocetes (pron: ply-O-seats) Answer : ANSWER: C -- Basidomycetes...
Which of the following laws best describes the statement: The members of an homologous (pron: ho-MOL-eh-gus) pair of genes are separated during meiosis (pron: my-O-sis) of reproductive cells so that ... law of independent assortment c) law of filial (pron: FILL-ee-al) generation d) law of sorting Answer : ANSWER: A -- LAW OF SEGREGATION...
As mitosis (pron: mie-TOE-sis) begins, the structure in the nucleus that disappears is the: a) spindle b) nucleolus (pron: new-klee-O-lus) c) chromatid (pron: KROME-a-tid) d) centromere (pron: SEN-tro-meer) Answer : ANSWER: B -- NUCLEOLUS...
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